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Everything posted by G__o__l__d__

  1. Wow Grats MAke sure you get a upgradable one hehe one of my missions in life new pc this old clapped out pos
  2. Cant argue with that good job
  3. Nice one Heard they are changing there name Back too Opal Fruits too ha Enjoy a afew packets
  4. Fuck nice hit Where is that PARTY Kappa
  5. Napping Masse Meme`s coming soon
  6. Yes lost like 7k points some lost more Suppose we just say bye too them . 🚾 Surprised S/elements used a 3rd party though
  7. Nice alot hitting the same ish wins too
  8. Nice one idk why some play this though run for the hills with winnings
  9. Wow grats Keep it cashing out Buy something nice
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